Akhirnya Super Junior M Rilis Teaser Terbaru

super-junior-mSetelah tahun lalu meluncurkan album bertajuk “Break Down” tahun 2013 lalu, kini Cho Kyuhyun cs meluncurkan single terbaru di 2014. Meski baru teaser namun Super Junior M telah berhasil mencuri perhatian penggemar!

Dalam teaser ini para personil Super Junior M terlihat mengenakan setelan jas seperti ciri khas mereka dan terlihat sibuk melakukan aktivitas kantor. Ruangan kantor yang didominasi warna kuning, putih, dan hitam ini dihiasi tulisan “Work Hard” dan “Play Harder”. Wah jadi penasaran ya seperti apa keseluruhan cerita dari video terbaru berjudul “Swing” ini.

Ayo cek dulu teasernya!

Profile photo of adelleda
everything will better in the morning, if it still not work then just wait for another morning until it's getting better. ^^ Love Kpop, KDrama & Korea! Call me Noona or Eonni but please not admin :( Too busy to dating because too worry about the next episode...haha. Fall in love with Kyuhyunie with a million pieces of him at gwanghwamun ^^ ready to talk about Korean things but currently so busy with healthcare things. Soft hearted fans of Super Junior and all handsome Korean actor especially Jung Hae In oppa... Let's laugh! See you when I see you, Jeolchin ^^