8 Selebriti Korea yang Pernah Jadi Ketua di Sekolah

SALAMKOREA.COM – Kalau soal kharisma di panggung, tentu para selebriti Korea ini jagonya. Namun ternyata selain kemampuan “memimpin” acara mereka agar mempesona penggemar, ternyata mereka juga pernah jadi pemimpin saat duduk di bangku sekolah lho. Jika di bangku SMA dan SMP kita mengenal sebutan ketua OSIS, yakni pemimpin organisasi di sekolah yang umumnya akan menangani acara-acara sekolah. Meski tidak umum ada di organisasi sekolah Indonesia, namun SD di Korea juga memiliki ketua himpunan sendiri, lho.

Nah 8 selebriti ini, meskipun disibukkan dengan kegiatan latihan untuk jadi idola Kpop, ternyata mereka punya waktu lho untuk memimpin teman-temannya saat duduk di bangku sekolah. Yuk, cari tahu siapa saja mereka seperti dilansir dari Soompi.

1. IU – President of Yangnam Elementary School


2. Lee Seung Gi – President of Sangkye High School


3. BoA – President of Yangjung Elementary School


4. Song Joong Ki – President of Hanbat Middle School


5. Sunmi – President of Hwangnam Elementary School


6. Cha Eun Woo Astro – President of Suri Middle School


7. Kim Jaekyung – President of Deungchon High School


8. Yunho DBSK – President of Masan Elementary School


Profile photo of adelleda
everything will better in the morning, if it still not work then just wait for another morning until it's getting better. ^^ Love Kpop, KDrama & Korea! Call me Noona or Eonni but please not admin :( Too busy to dating because too worry about the next episode...haha. Fall in love with Kyuhyunie with a million pieces of him at gwanghwamun ^^ ready to talk about Korean things but currently so busy with healthcare things. Soft hearted fans of Super Junior and all handsome Korean actor especially Jung Hae In oppa... Let's laugh! See you when I see you, Jeolchin ^^