EXO Rilis MV Call Me Baby


EXO akhirnya merilis musik video untuk comeback mereka berjudul “Call Me Baby”. sebelumnya,  kemarin tersebar rumor bahwa musik video ini akan dirilis kemarin (30/03) namun sepertinya SM Entertainment masih ingin “menyimpan” kejutan ini hingga keesokan harinya.

Pada laman YouTube resmi milik SM Entertainment, video musik Call Me Baby dirilis jam 12.00 KST atau jam 10.00 WIB.

untuk para EXO-L, simak video musiknya disini

Profile photo of Rizki Syena S
as known as kikoy/syena| fangirl | <3 kpop | author | family is the first | @rizkisyenaa a lot of bad things are going to happen to you. first off, you're going to die, so that said, there's not much to worry about... no matter what else happens, you really only have two options: - you can either handle things well and be happy, - or you can handle them poorly and miserable