Pesan Cinta dari Tenggelamnya Sewol

Saat ini pencarian korban tenggelamnya kapal feri Sewol masih terus dilakukan, kabar terbaru seperti dilansir dari situs berita Korea korban meninggal ada 9 orang, 179 orang selamat, dan 287 belum ditemukan. Dari korban selamat, 101 orang menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit sedang 5 dalam kondisi kritis.

Tragedi kapal feri Sewol ini membawa duka mendalam tidak hanya bagi keluarga korban namun juga banyak masyarakat dunia ikut berduka. Berbagai komentar di Social Media Twitter pun terus mengalir hingga hastag #prayforkorea pun menjadi trending topic di dunia.

Di balik tenggelamnya kapal ini, tersimpan pesan cinta yang dikirimkan oleh para korban selamat yang terjebak di kapal. Meskipun saat ini belum diketahui kabar terbaru tentang keadaan mereka, namun pesan cinta ini menyentuh hati banyak orang yang membacanya.


Pesan dari Korban yang Terjebak di dalam Kapal.


“My name is Choi Hye-rin. I’m a junior. I’m inside the kitchen. There are a lot of kids still alive. Help us. There’s not much battery left. We’re inside the kitchen where there’s not much water. Anyone seeing this, please help us. There are a lot of us still alive. About fourteen of us are still here.”


“Guys, I’m scared. We’re really alive. Please let them know we’re alive. There’s also Minju and Semee here with me. I’m sure there are others like us. Please tell the teacher or other rescued kids about us. We have no idea what’s going on. Please. If this ends up being my last text, know that I love you all and want to thank you. I hope we can meet again after being rescued.”


“xxx. I can’t make a call and I don’t even know if this text will go. I’m still inside the ship but can’t see anything. There are some guys and a couple of girls, crying. I’m not dead. Please let whoever know that there are people inside the ship.”


“I miss you, mom. This is Seung-jin. Help me. I’m inside the kitchen. I’m cold and scared. When are we going to be rescued? Help. Mom, I miss you. Please help me. Han Seung-jin is still alive. Mom, help me. There are too many corpses in the hallway. It’s frightening. Mom, help. I love you. Seung-jin is still alive. I’m sorry. Thank you and I love you.”


Profile photo of adelleda
everything will better in the morning, if it still not work then just wait for another morning until it's getting better. ^^ Love Kpop, KDrama & Korea! Call me Noona or Eonni but please not admin :( Too busy to dating because too worry about the next episode...haha. Fall in love with Kyuhyunie with a million pieces of him at gwanghwamun ^^ ready to talk about Korean things but currently so busy with healthcare things. Soft hearted fans of Super Junior and all handsome Korean actor especially Jung Hae In oppa... Let's laugh! See you when I see you, Jeolchin ^^